The secrets and Contents of the grape (Vitis Vinivera L) for health

The vines thought to originate from around the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, then spread to North America, South America, and Europe, next to Asia including Indonesia. In General, it is the fruit of the vine plant. A good place is the height of no more than 300 meters above sea level. In Indonesia, this plant has been cultivated extensively in Probolinggo, Situbondo, Banyuwangi, hammer, Malang, Pasuruan, Panarukan, Buleleng and Kupang.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 71 percent of the total world wine production is used for the manufacture of wine, 27 percent as fresh fruit, and 2 percent as dried fruit. The flesh of the fruit has a sour taste to sweet, and its water content a lot. The dominant type of acid is citric acid and maleic acid. The cause of sweetness in the wine is the high levels of glucose and fructose. The grapes are included in Vitaceae and the genus Vitis. The form of the grapes almost round with fruit skin blackish red, green, yellow, or purple and covered with flour. The flesh of the fruit has a sour taste to sweet, and its water content a lot. The dominant type of sour wine is citric acid and maleic acid. The cause of sweetness in the wine is the high levels of glucose and fructose.
Prof. Ali Khomsan added, various studies show, grape seed contains pycnogenol as collagen booster for the flexibility of blood vessels (anti aging) and the skin of the grapes turns out to be rich in flavonoids with antioxidant power higher than vitamin c. . Not only that, his own grapes are rich in potassium to control blood pressure.

The benefits of wine have been much canvassed earlier. In 1870, the health expert Dr. John Harvey Kellog, giving wine recipes for a variety of ailments. For healing, he only prescribes eating grapes with a specific measure. According to The George Mateljan Foundation, wine also has the nutritional value of a very remarkable. Each 100 g of wine at least 25 nutritional components needed by the body. mSebut just calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and thiamin. Mineral content in wine has health benefits for the body include manganese. Substances that are indispensable for the synthesis of energy so that the body can help to maintain the stability of sugar in the blood. Manganese is also required of the body to metabolize fat and connective tissue and bone formation. The wine called contain carotenoids and likopen is high. Both of these chemicals are known to be its ability to inhibit the various ailments of the body. The content of antioxidants in wine is widely believed as the protector of the cells from free radicals cause of degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and other diseases caused by aging.

The wine has a lot of benefits for the health because of the nearby chemical content in it, one of which flavonoids. Flavonoid compounds phytochemicals that give the color purple on the grapes. Flavonoids can prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) 20 times more powerful than vitamin E, which is known as natural antioxidants.
Vitamin C, B6, B1 and K in the wine are also high with tremendous benefits for the body. Vitamin C fruit wine can improve immunity and wound healing. Content of B6 in the wine is also very important for the brain to function normally. Grape skins also contain resveratrol which is an important source of flavonoids, including quercetin, catechin, procyanidin, and relationships. Resveratrol is found in most of the skin of the grapes. The research of the last few years to conclude, resveratrol can potentially help the Ageless and prevent cancer.

In addition, wine is proven can help women in preventing pain resulting from breast cancer treatment. Doctors at the Institute of Cancer Research proved that antioxidants contained in wine may protect the body from radiation fibrosis, i.e. hardening the network in sekitarpayudara due to radiotherapy that it felt very painful. This condition is experienced by thousands of women around the world each year.

Through laboratory tests, grape juice is proven capable of stopping the production of the hormone estrogen in cells. A recent study using mice planted with tumor cells showed that rats who were given 0.5 ml of grape juice for five weeks, the size of the tumornya only one-third of the mice not given grape juice. However, it has become the common grapes include the type of fruit that is expensive for most communities in Indonesia. The price of a kilogram of grapes can reach tens of thousands of dollars. So not all walks of life can taste wine.

The wine is very rich in antioxidants and antimicrobial. The content of substances classified as excellent its nutrition value and be able to ward off various diseases. Another benefit, this fruit can increase arousal sex and Soundly sleeping.
