Benefits Of The Pomegranate (Punica Granatum L.) For Health

Pomegranate (rumman) in the Quran is mentioned in several places, i.e. in Sura Al-An'aam 99 and 141, as well as Ar-Rahman 68. Part part of the pomegranate, especially acidic skin deep tanat (Tannic Acid) that is cleaner and repellent substances, bacteria. Whereas if squeezed (made of juice) in addition to contain Tannic Acid is also a sugar substance menthol and iron elements in high enough quantities. According to medical science, pomegranates have benefits among others; treat diarrhea, ambeien, pelega breath, intestinal worms, gingivitis, inflammation of the stomach and the eye medication.
In Indonesia, the pomegranate is known with some term, depending on the area, such as pomegranates (Malay), glima (Aceh), glineu Mecca (Gayo), dhalima (Island), gangsalan (Java), dalima (Sundanese), teliman (Sasak), kase and catfish rumu (Timor).
There are three types of Pomegranate spread in Indonesia, grouped by color, i.e. White Pomegranate fruit, pomegranate Pomegranate red, and black. Of the three types of it, most notably the pomegranate red.

The red pomegranate is often planted as an ornamental plant home lawns, as well as to eat its fruit. Some cultivars are dwarf even have been developed specifically as an ornamental plant. Red pomegranate have a taste that is more sweet and fresh, while the white pomegranate tastes more osphronemidae and kesat, and less sweet.
Taste the pomegranate on white kesat caused by content of flavonoids (polyphenols group). One of the important roles of flavonoids is as an antioxidant. That was the cause of the white pomegranate often used as medicine. This type of latter pomegranate white rather hard to find in the market. Based on research, the white skin of the pomegranate contain samak as much 25-28 percent and 30 percent mucilage.
Pomegranate black is now the rare plants that are not widely known. Whereas, according to the experts, pomegranates black better improved compared with the pomegranate in white.

The pomegranate is native in Persian and Himalayan regions in South India. According to the story, the Pharaoh Tuthmosis took him to Egypt in 1500 Bc. From here,
Pomegranate spread to Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. Allegedly, this plant can get to Indonesia because it brought the traders from Persia in the year 1416. For centuries the pomegranate fruit has been used as a symbol of fertility in many religions and cultures. The remains of this belief, among others, can be seen at the ceremony of the nujuh month of pregnancy in Javanese. At the event, the pomegranate as a symbol of fertility is always present as one of the ingredients of Rojak. For the Chinese community, the pomegranate is one of the compulsory fruit in welcoming the lunar new year. They believe that the seeds are many a symbol of sustenance in abundance.

Nutritional Composition
Generally people know the pomegranate fruit is attractive because it forms, so it is often served at the table to eat fresh, regardless of which worked. The fruit is ripe to contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body.

The other is the content of the sugar inversion 20 percent (5-10 percent of them berupaglukosa), citric acid (0.5-3.5 percent), boric acid, and Malic acid. That combination led to the pomegranate taste is sweet-sour refreshing. Malic acid is also useful to improve carbohydrate metabolism. The most dominant minerals are potassium (259 mg/100 g). In addition to maintaining the osmotic pressure (prevents hypertension), potassium also helps activate the enzyme reactions, such as pyruvate kinase which can produce pyruvic acid in the process of carbohydrate metabolism.
On the other hand, natriumnya very low mineral content, i.e. 3 mg/100 g. This is beneficial because sodium is potentially detrimental, that can cause hypertension (the opposite of potassium).

The pomegranate is a symbol of prosperity and fertility, namely in the form of rujakan ceremony at the celebrate the seven months of pregnancy, which is done by the Javanese and other tribes in Indonesia. Other than in the form of Rojak, the pomegranate is also consumed in the State, fresh juice, concentrate or sirop. Pomegranate juice is a very popular drink in Eastern Europe and India. Pomegranate juice began to be widely marketed in America in 2004. Pomegranate juice can be processed into sirop grenadin, namely the dikentalkan and Pomegranate Juice are given sugar. The drinks are very useful as a refresher and penghalau thirst.
Lately the production and quality of fruit in Southeast Asia tend to be declining. The cause, almost every part of the pomegranate tree can be used for purposes of treatment, so that concentration towards quality fruit being reduced. The current crop of Pomegranate components always appear in different materia medika East society, i.e. for the purpose of treatment of various diseases.

Cure All Kinds Of Diseases
Almost all parts of the pomegranate plant can be used for treatment. Part of the flesh of the fruit, the skin of the fruit, bark, and roots of Pomegranate can be blended as medicine for various types of diseases. The skin of the fruit and bark of Pomegranate contains 20-30 percent elligatannin (tannins), triterpenoid, and 0.5-1 percent of alkaloids consisting of pelletierine very toxic or toxic, methylpelletierine, and pseudopelletierine. The seeds, leaves, and flowers of the pomegranate has also been used as a medicine by various Nations and cultures for various purposes.
Since centuries ago, pomegranate plants has been known as a potent drug to treat various digestive disorders, such as diarrhea and dysentery. It was due to the high content of tannins that is efficacious as astringent, namely menyusutkan mucous membrane bowel so that the expenditure reduced diarrhea fluid. While alkaloid pelletierine on the roots of great help removing tapeworms and roundworms from the intestine.
Bark with the content of alkaloid pelletierine, more efficacious against tapeworm (faenia) than the roundworms (Askaris). The presence of large amounts of tannins in the bark often causes nausea and vomiting. Therefore, before drinking the decoction of this, it is recommended to fast beforehand about 12 hours.

Since time immemorial, the pomegranate has been known as an anthelmintic. Apothecary Nations Greece, Dioscorides, who lived in the 1st century, make use of them for the purpose. Alkaloids found in various parts of the pomegranate plants causing the worms release his grip of the intestinal wall, so carried away along the stools out of the body. However, the benefits of the pomegranate fruit is then forgotten in Europe for the last 1,800 years. New on 19th century Western medicine experts started to inspect it again. It started because there are people United Kingdom being cured of the disease intestinal worms after given a pomegranate potion by a herbalist India.
The nature of either a chelate of bark, leaves, unripe fruit, and fruit leather is utilized in the form of godokan to treat diarrhea and dysentery. Kekelatannya was caused by tannins that many compounds found in plant parts. Other research indicates that compounds such as tannins contained in the root of the pomegranate is capable of blocking the Entamoeba histolytica Amoeba dysentery, causes. The compound is known to be potent against tapeworms tannins not only, but also the two piperidine compound the principal found in the bark of pomegranate, i.e. pelletierine and pseudopelletierine. Because of the highly toxic pelletierine and isopelletierine, mainly found in the bark and roots in the skin, the use of extracts of the bark and root of the pomegranate as a treatment must have oversight and an experienced herbalist.

Some research suggests that tannins contained in pomegranate plants are not only active as an antibacterial, but also against the virus, the cause of the disease smallpox, among others. A recent study reported that pomegranate can be used as anti diabetic mellitus or diabetes. The presence of tannins also reportedly can reduce the risk of heart disease. It is caused by the ability of tannins to reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).
Pomegranate can also reduce high blood pressure disease by inhibiting the conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II (high blood cause).
According to traditional Chinese herbal medicine, the pomegranate seeds have antiradang properties and a panacea for overcoming arthritis. Pomegranate flower is used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gums. And for those who are troubled with overweight (obesity), part of this plant can be used as an alternative to cope with it. So is the root bark can be an astringent helps address the problem of sweating a lot. A sore throat can also be treated by gargling of water decoction of root bark of Pomegranate.

Pomegranate benefits as medicine are based not only on the experience of the traditional pengobat. Several scientific studies have proven the benefits of Pomegranate plants. Research
Dr. Navarro from the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico, proving that the methanol extract found in the skin of the pomegranate is a potent compound against diarrhea-causing bacteria, namely: Staphylloccus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, and Candida albicans.

Inhibitory Growth Of Cancer Cells
Based on research at the University of California, USA, have the effect of Pomegranate fruit ekstrogenik, that ward off menopause disorder and prevent cancer in the reproductive organs.
Pomegranate juice that has fermented and oil taken from the pomegranate seeds, also known as active as the antioxidant equivalent of green tea.
By drinking a glass of Pomegranate juice every day, we'll get the intake of polyphenol antioxidant compounds by as much as 100 mg. of these Compounds can cripple cancer cells and restore the process of hardening of the arteries. Pomegranate seeds also contain polyphenols. That is why if making Pomegranate juice, preferably blend together seeds.
Pomegranate extract mera in in vitro (outside the body test) proved to have strong antioxidant activity, so that it can be chemo preventive (prevent) or kemoterapis (treat) prostate cancer cells (Malik et al, 2005). Several other studies show that pomegranate extract also helps to prevent breast cancer and colon cancer.
The research of doctors at the University of California showed that Pomegranate juice can be used to inhibit the increase in levels of prostate specific agent (PSA). PSA is an indicator of the growth of prostate cancer. The latter study involving 50 patients who had already undergone surgery or obtain radiation therapy. Half of these patients were asked to drink Pomegranate juice every day and not the other half (the control group). PSA levels patients were then monitored each month. PSA levels are those who do not drink Pomegranate juice will increase to two-fold in just 15 months. Is there any group PSA levels pomegranate cider drinkers take up to 54 months to increase two-fold. The length of time it takes to increase the levels of PSA be doubled by the researchers deemed beneficial. They so could delay treatment with hormones or chemotherapy, which means to keep them away from all the ill effects that accompany such therapy, opening the opportunity to live longer, as well as obtain other therapies that are not dangerous. The pomegranate fruit is also rich in phytosterols. The phytosterols are components phytochemicals that functions contrary to cholesterol when consumed by humans. In 1970 's, phytosterol known function of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent heart disease, so it is very beneficial for human health.
Some of the research results prove the phytosterols can prevent cancer through a variety of mechanisms, that inhibit the breakdown of cells, stimulate tumor cell death, and modify some of the hormones which can potentially grow a tumor cells (Awad et Al, 2000).
Based on the results of research published by the Anticancer Research, there is a significant relationship between the consumption of phytosterols and treatment of the disease cancer. An animal that consumes the phytosterols have a tumor the size of a 33 percent smaller and 20 percent cancer cell Iebih a bit, compared with control.
In addition, phytosterols can also form a good skin permeability. Phytosterol moisturizes the skin and improve the skin's metabolism, as well as prevent inflammation on the skin. Phytosterols can also prevent skin aging and crythema, caused by the polarization of sunlight. Phytosterols also help promote hair growth. The phytosterols are also resistant to oxidation, so it can be classified as food antioxidants. The phytosterols is an important component in the synthesis of vitamin D3 (Huang, 2004). Some of the results of the study prove that consumption of 2-3 grams of phytosterols a day can prevent PJK (coronary heart disease) to 25 percent. Phytosterols also have benefits for people with diabetes. Consumption of phytosterols in sufficient amount in mind can keep blood sugar balance.
