Anti-Aging cryotherapy

Rejuvenate with the help of cold is not a new trend, but a new possibility to keep a beautiful face without injections and surgeries.

But Cryosauna risked to test on itself only this year in Azerbaijan. It looked like an "institution" as a safe, which consists of three branches. First for a minute you go to the first, there minus 10 degrees, then-for a minute in the second, there is minus 50, and finally-in the third section, where already minus 110 degrees. Go to the safe, where you are closed, but with such freezing, the solution is not simple! But when it finally ended, I realized how cool it was, and decided not to do one procedure, but a whole course. If we talk about physical sensations, then immediately after the release of Cryosauna starts chills, which does not stop for about 40 minutes, but then there is a feeling as if the body completely restarted. And you look very good, especially the color of the face! " Today in big cities it is quite easy to find the right place where you can freeze. Beauty-the world has stopped talking "aging" amicably, but the holy place is not empty-so why not talk about cryotherapy. Moreover, the word is not new and tested by generations, who first timidly wipeded the face with ice cubes, then slept with open windows, after which the most desperate stepped into the hole, and cautious and technically savvy-in the clinic of beauty.

"Fast freezing" is shown in case of overweight and simulation of the figure

"Cryotherapy is a cold treatment – the effect of a similar physiotherapy procedure is based on the body's response to the cooling of the outer layer of the skin. It turns out such a short dosed microstress, which improves the metabolism in every cell. " Very good results "fast freezing" shows in the fight against excess weight and in the modeling of the figure. In Germany now the real boom on criosculpting, or CoolSculpting: Clear Aryan the mechanism of action and measured in centimeters results have done the work. Scientists say that in this procedure, the loss of kilograms is not due to energy consumption, but due to normalization of metabolic processes and hormonal background. Studies have shown that exposure to cold contributes to the preservation of leptin's "saturation hormone" in the blood, which reduces hunger and increases the effectiveness of any diet. For several years in Russia is popular apparatus for Kriolipoliza Zeltig, stimulating the process of splitting fat cells and leading to a reduction in body volume.

Well, because Russia is famous for snow and frost, it is logical to expect from it and cryo-miracles. Which, in fact, happened with the advent of Cryo Icequeen, developed by Russian scientists. "Our Kriokapsula has a number of advantages over similar equipment, which have made it so popular in the world, it provides uniform cooling of the whole body and completely eliminates the risk of burns of the upper respiratory tract and light cold Nitrogen-air mixture. Acting on the body with extremely low temperatures (up to-160 C °), we enter into a "dialogue" with the central nervous system, which gives the body a peculiar effect of "reboot". And this, in turn, activates the processes of self-healing, recovery and rejuvenation. "

"Trendy" facial procedures ─ Kriojelektrofarez and aerocryotherapy

In winter we usually change the facial system. And it has nothing to do with "film from Moisturizing Creams" (I hope no one already believes in these stories!). Just the temperature contrast between the street and the room disturbs the hydrobalance of the skin, which constantly has to adapt to a rapidly changing situation. Creams with saturated textures perfectly solve this problem, and from December to February it is painless to squeeze their lighter colleagues.
But the cold in its pure form and under the supervision of a specialist is useful for tissues. It increases the tone and elasticity of the skin, improves the complexion. Cryomassage have long practiced not only in clinics, but also in beauty salons. Good results show a "trendy" Kriojelektroforez face. Its essence lies in the fact that the frozen drugs are delivered to the deep layers of the skin by means of pulsatinging the current. In just 20 minutes you can solve a lot of problems-to remove inflammation, normalize the action of sebaceous glands, get rid of swelling, tighten tissues. Redness will be, but where without it? Frost still... One more effective procedure for a person is aerocryotherapy. It is used as a "dry" cold liquid nitrogen, which is sprayed under pressure with a special device. Such blower not only erases swelling and inflammation, but also recommended by doctors as a recovery after mechanical traumas – scars, traces after removal of acne, coarse scars. Moreover, Ajerokrioterpiju is useful to do before masks, injections and peelings – it increases the efficiency of all subsequent manipulations.
