Five obvious things to care for the cuticle in winter

We tell you how to care for your hands to increase the time between visits to the nail artist.

Kozhistyj Roller protecting the lower part of the nail plate in the cold season can deliver a lot of problems. From insufficient moistening and excessive irritation (chemistry, temperature difference, mechanical traumas, infections) the cuticle becomes rough and rough breeding burrs.

The kind of manicure strongly influences how the cuticle feels after a while. The trimmed manicure quickly loses the appearance, "dries up" literally on the second-third day and begins to deliver a lot of problems in the form of flaky cuticles and burrs. When it is possible, it is better to abandon it in favor of raw manicure: It is painless, more safe, and the aesthetic effect lasts up to two weeks.
Problematic cuticle with a lot of can say that somewhere in the body is an inflammatory process in the body.
Manicure will not provide a perfect look of nails and nail holes in the interval between visits to the salon (even when it is-7 days), if not support it uhodovymi means. What should be in the Arsenal? Moisturizing Cream (apply on hands every time after washing and any contact with water), nourishing (to apply at night) and protective (to apply half an hour before an exit on a street).
Cuticle oil – must have for winter. It not only helps maintain a healthy skin condition, moisturizing and nourishing, but also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory (including antifungal) effects. In cold period of hot batteries try to apply oil on nails as often as possible (at least twice a day) and necessarily-at night. Here everything is simple: dripping on a small drop on each nail and a light quick massage rub in a cuticle, lateral rollers and a nail plate. By the way will be a pencil for care of the cuticle, which fits perfectly even in the smallest handbag, not dirty and does not leave greasy traces (with a minus-the applicator, as a rule, quickly loses its appearance-you can accept).
Special tools
The average growth time of the cuticle is 7-10 days, but it can be extended. Help means that slow down the growth of nails, and also make the cuticle thinner and softer-they are often marked as Cuticle Remover. The form of the release can be any-in the form of gel, cream or oil, and the composition of the funds usually includes fruit acids, aloe vera, vitamins A and E, almond oil. The rule of regularity is very important here: it is desirable to apply "retarders" of cuticle growth every day – single application will not affect the speed of skin appearance on the nail plate.
Do not call to arrange a home manicure room, but have a set of necessary for the care of cuticle devices, strongly advise. It is about Pielke abrasive 180 grit (with its help it is possible-and it is necessary-to remove lateral platens), Shlifovochnoj Pielke-a sponge (allows to polish a zone of a cuticle, thus refreshing manicure) and tongs (they are better not to be abused about and without, and to use only for deburring).
Lead HLS
No matter how banal it sounds. The minimum program is to drink water in sufficient volume, so that the nails get moisture also naturally, and do not forget about a balanced diet that will provide them with enough vitamins. And even in the colder time the barrier protection comes to the fore, so forget to wear gloves and mittens in the street is strictly forbidden.
