Respiratory gymnastics: "Lazy" way to lose weight

We all want a perfect body, but not always our willpower is enough to train for hours. However, sometimes only 15 minutes are enough to look great.
Of course, summer with the beach season is over, but it does not mean that you can relax and run yourself to the next warm days. A perfectly tightened tummy will never be superfluous, and even in the cold autumn and winter period will add you confidence. HTTPS://
It is a long-known fact that one strength training, for example, intensified exercises on the press, a flat belly is not achieved. This will only lead to the fact that you pump yourself "armor" under the fat layer. Fitness coaches actively promote cardio, who are supposedly considered to be the best assistants in this difficult business. Take a half hour a day to run, and soon your figure will pleasantly surprise you. But what to do to those beautiful female representatives who do not have free 30 minutes a day, or running them contraindications for health reasons, or (what is the most common case) they simply do not have the power of will every day to force themselves to run? In this case breathing gymnastics will help you!
As it is known, oxygen helps to burn fat cells, and respiratory gymnastics is directed just on active receipt of oxygen in an organism. And most importantly, oxygen has a beneficial effect not only on the appearance, but also on the inner state.
Only 15 minutes of the day, dedicated to simple exercises, help:
Blunt feeling of hunger
Optimize digestive process
Split fat cells
Add vivacity and strength
Strengthen the immune system
Calm the nervous system
Of course, this method of weight loss is not durable, and if you stop the program you quickly (within a month) to collect all your centimeters in the waist back, but if you do regularly, success is guaranteed.
So, all you need to do is to get up 15 minutes earlier than usual and on an empty stomach (this is the most important) to perform only 3 exercises:
Stand smoothly, legs on the shoulder width, hands on the waist. One hand for convenience can be put on the belly. Take a breath – round the abdomen. Exhale-retract. It is important to do gymnastics measured and strain the press. Repeat 2 minutes.
Then we act on the same technique, only inhale and exhale not to the end. A small breath – round the abdomen, inhale a little more, and inhale it again. After a little exhale-belly retract, a little exhale, and again a little breathe out. Do not forget to strain the press as much as possible. Repeat the exercise for 10 minutes.
And finally we take a breath – round the belly, on exhalation we bow, maximally exhale, retract belly and delay breath. Immediately slowly rasprjamljaemsja and count to 8. It is important to do everything slowly, so as not to be dizzy with the habit. Repeat 3 minutes.
Such simple exercises help to remove superfluous centimeters in a few days, for a week at qualitative performance you can get rid of the whole 5 hated centimeters in the area of a waist, and the most pleasant, that the result is visible already on the second day. This method will be perfect if a week you have a vacation, and the figure is not in order.
