The main trends in this autumn's manicure

All about the most popular shades and techniques of design of the new season)

Traditionally in autumn in a manicure bright color scale replaces more subdued pastel. However, this does not mean that you need to concentrate on monochrome shades in the beige-brown palette. Experts are sure that the beginning of the season is the perfect moment for experiments.

"As for the shape of nails, it is not the first season the leader retains the oval, and the length does not exceed 1-2 mm. So favorite in Russia "Soft square" occupies the second place in popularity, and nails almond forms with pointed tips are located only in the third place.

In terms of trendy shades this autumn in the trend is very "cold", close to winter colors. In the autumn collections of large lacquered brands the most popular became the rich eggplant, several variants of blue (from almost black to icy blue), cold shades of pink and lilac, as well as more standard for autumn brick red, Burned red and mustard. In addition, several seasons in a row does not go out of fashion metallic, which in the autumn will turn into a golden.

The main tendencies in the field of nail art in the coming season are quite simple and easy to follow. Coming from Asia and already gaining popularity in the USA and Europe art-trend has received the name "New Lunar Manicure". Its essence consists in that the bottom part of a nail is drawn not on habitual white nail hole, and exactly to its middle. That is, one part of the nail is painted exactly half one color (for example, dark), and the second some contrast-njudovym or white.

Many designers on the past weeks of fashion went on a very simple way, which will please those who are always in a hurry and do not have time to make a full manicure. This autumn will be enough only bright color completely to cover one nail, and the rest to leave colorless with use of transparent or njudovogo varnish.

For those who work in the office with a strict dress code, but wants to dilute monochrome manicure with interesting details, a great idea will be the surviving summer trend on the combination of Njuda with metallic. The basis here is lipgloss shade, which is important to pick up depending on the tone of the skin. As a rule, the most versatile Podton-warm beige or cream, which is suitable for almost all cvetotipam. After giving lacquer or gel to dry, use a thin brush to paint the décor with gold metallic: It may be a variant of French or lunar manicure or simply thin strips along the entire length of the nail. Coatings with sequins have a great advantage in the use-they are easier to apply than ordinary varnishes, so even at home you are guaranteed to get a perfectly smooth graphic manicure, as if you visited the salon.

And more immediately about two popular trends in the nail art of the new season. Firstly, it is the black color of very laconic geometric patterns-with the use of black lacquer and a thin brush or a special marker. The basis-a colorless coating, over which you can safely apply contrasting pictures: For example, two strips on each nail or circles, squares, triangles-what is enough imagination and artistic skills. Fasten the result with colorless top. To create a more classical manicure you can apply a pattern selectively on some fingers, and for more experimental, on the contrary, to alternate different drawings so that they do not repeat. The different design on each nail is another autumn trend in the manicure, which can be performed in both monochrome and bright colors. "
