What to do if the lips dry

We fight with unpleasant sensations of tightness skin on lips already now to avoid peeling and cracks in the winter.
A few simple beauty hacks will help to minimize the risk of weathering and peeling of the skin of the lips. We tell you what you can do and what you can't, and choose the best means to eliminate the consequences and prevent these troubles.

1. Drink properly (and eat)
The most useless rule at first sight is the basis for subsequent actions. See for yourself: we all know that drinking water has a ton of advantages. Scientists can argue for a long time about the quantity of the necessary two or three litres of water a day, but the fact that a lifesaving sip of water can instantly improve overall health, we have no doubt. Concerning food: We are not engaged here moralizing, we live after all once, but if the lips are already crackeded, refrain from sharp wings grill and fragrant grapefruit, until the situation is normalized ─ unnecessary irritating factor lips are not needed.
2. Do not oblizyvajte lips (never)
Even if it is the last chance for a languid evening in a pleasant company, it is better not to do so. Saliva contains an enzyme amylase, which already in the mouth starts the first stage of the long process of food digestion. The enzyme, capable in a mouth playfully to get apart with starch and to crush it on constituent parts, with soft skin of lips The ceremony also will not be. One more taboo ─ biting. When the lips flake, there is an irresistible desire to slowly and gently remove a piece of slushhennogo epithelium. Do not do so never and under any circumstances. First, regeneration in the area of the lips is extremely slow and painful, and secondly, it is possible to bring an infection.
3. Protect them
Being on the beach, you carefully cover the body with sunscreen lotion, and in the winter, before going outside, check the presence of warm mittens in your pocket. Lips do not deserve less attention: Balm with SPF factor is recommended to apply throughout the year, and in the days of especially fierce frosts ─ hide pollica in a fluffy scarf. We spent the last year a short experiment in winter, having overcome the same distance with a scarf in the street – the difference in sensations for lips was the size of the abyss.
4. Look for the perfect balm
The sign that he is correct-presence in the composition of Vaseline, Dimetikona, shea butter or hyaluronic acid. They are all capable of heroically retaining moisture and patching microscopic damage. It is believed that the texture of the balm should be viscous and plastic, but not wax. And if the peeling takes a chronic character, try "seriously tuned" balms with ceramides-these substances restore the skin barrier at the cellular level. If you suffer from eczema, the balm should not contain lanolin (it worsens the course of the disease). Pay attention to "taste and aroma" (especially mint or cinnamon), often they (although not always) are the brake of the process of "recovery" dry skin lips.
5. Use it from morning to evening
At night, immediately after washing and oral care (components of makeup, toothpaste, home bleach for teeth and rinse can aggravate the dryness of the lips), before lipstick or shine and after each sent e-mail ─ in total The balm should fall on your eyes (and on the Lips) 6-8 times a day. To do this, your tube should be at the bottom of each handbag, on the desktop and in the car.
